Paulie G's Thanksgiving Day Pools Page 1 All Three Games 1st Qtr - 1000 Pts Halftime - 2000 Pts 3rd Qtr - 1000 Pts Final - 5000 Pts Reverse Half - 500 Pts Reverse Final - 500 Pts REST IN PEACE BAILEY "MY WINGMAN" 11/30/06 - 12/11/17
Paulie G's NCAA BBall Pool Page 1- Round 1 Page 2- Round 2 Page 3- Sweet 16 Page 4- Elite 8 Page 5- Final 4 Page 6- Championship Game Points are: 1st round (32 games) 250 Pts2nd round
(16 games) 350 Pts Sweet 16 round (8 games) 600 PtsElite 8 round (4 games) 1000 Pts Final Four round (2 games) 2500 Pts National Championship game 5000 Pts Final Touch Boxes 500 Pts for north south east west touching boxes 600
Pts for reverse final.
Welcome back to the "Best Pool In Town" The Silver Anniversary Edition The Big One *25* "25 Years of Excellence" *** PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP ABOUT KEEPING OR GIVING UP YOUR BOXES FOR NEXT SEASON*** THANK YOU Super Bowl The Big One *25* ( My Year Long Pool) Pages 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 17,415 IN PRIZES AND ENTERTAINMENT POINTS 450 Per Score Change 4 Sheets - New Numbers Every Quarter ***There Are No Score Change/Prizes And Entertainment Points For The Beginning Of The 2nd Qtr - 3rd Qtr - & Final Page *** 0-0 Automatically Receives The First Score Change/Prize/Entertainment Points Of The Game 180 Prize/Entertainment Points each For 4 Touch Boxes N-S-E-W- Of Final Score Winning Box Remaining Prizes/Entertainment Points To The Final Score ***If The Score Change Exceeds 22 Changes, Then The Winning Prize/Entertainment Points Drops From 450 To 375 Per Score Change From The Beginning Of The Game*** *** If The Score Change Exceeds 29 Changes, Then The Winning Prize/ Entertainment Points Drops From 375 To 315 Per Score Change From The Beginning Of The Game*** **500 Per Box** Pages 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 45,000 In Prizes/Entertainment Points 4 Sheets, New Numbers Every Quarter 1st Qtr - 4500 4 Touch Boxes N - S - E - W - 450 Each Touch Half - 4500 4 Touch Boxes N - S - E - W - 450 Each Touch 3rd Qtr - 4500 4 Touch Boxes N - S - E - W - 450 Each Touch Final Score - 20,700 Final Touch Boxes N - S - E - W - 1350 Each Touch ***1000 Per Box*** Pages - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 90,000 In Prizes/ Entertainment Points 2700 Per Score Change 4 Sheets - New Numbers Every Quarter ***There Are No Score Change/Prizes/Entertainment Points For The Beginning Of The2nd Qtr - 3rd Qtr - & Final Page*** 0-0 Automatically Receives The First Score Change/Prize/Entertainment Points Of The Game 1800 Prize/Entertainment Points Each For All 8 Touch Boxes Of The Final Score Winning Box Remaining Prizes/Entertainment Points To The Final Score ***If The Score Change Exceed 22 Changes, Then The Winning Prize/ Entertainment Points Drops From 2700 to 2250 Per Score Change From The BeginningOf The Game*** And The 8 Touch Boxes Drop From 1800 To 1500 ***If The Score Change Exceed 29 Changes, Then The Winning Prize/Entertainment Points Drops From 2250 to 1875 Per Score Change From The BeginningOf The Game*** And The 8 Touch Boxes Drop From 1500 To 1350 Page 13 Pictures Of Picked Numbers Using A Random Numbers Generator PLEASE LET ME KNOW ABOUT NEXT YEAR GOOD LUCK TO ALL
**Same rules apply** If your box is not taken care of in full by the beginning of the season and you win entertainment points, those points will automatically be put towards your boxes balance. Sometimes during the year the NFL changes it's schedule and I'm not able to change the team names. Just remember the HOME TEAM IS ALWAYS ON TOP and the VISITORS TEAM ALWAYS ON THE SIDE.
Any questions just shoot me a text Good Luck Grizz
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Paulie G's NCAA Basketball Payouts: 1st Round (32 games) 250 Pts 2nd round (16 games) 350 Pts Sweet 16 (8 games) 600 Pts Elite 8 (4 games) 1000 Pts Final Four (2 games) 2500 Pts National Championship Game Final 5000 Pts N-S-E-W Touch boxes 500 Pts Reverse Final 600 Pts Page 1- 1st Round Page 2 - 2nd Round Page 3 - Sweet 16 Page 4 - Elite 8 Page 5 - Final Four Page 6 - Championship